Saturday, September 7, 2013

                    Basketball, one word. To me, special, to you, may be a random word in the dictionary. I like this one special word because of what it is. A game. A special game. Integrity, getting active, teamwork, just 3 things that have to do with this game. 3 good things, but of course when there are 3 good things there may be 3 bad things. In this case there are 3 not so great things fouls, pushing, even @$#%, yah 6th grade basketball can lead up to that. When you get on a basketball team (if you want to of course) you will learn how to trust, have fun in a sport (that I LOVE), and your memory will improve. You ask how do I learn to trust in a game? Well you got to trust your teammates when they come to set a screen. Have fun in a sport how? I think enough was said when I said have fun in a sport. Now memory, that might confuse you, might. You have to learn your plays; you HAVE to learn your plays. It is a must have in basketball. So now that I gave you some tips go play some 21! 

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