Saturday, October 22, 2011

Alpha and Omega movie review

Ok, today I’m going to give a movie review on “Alpha and Omega”. If you really liked this movie I suggest you read no further. Just in case you want to read it well this is just my opinion. When I first saw this movie it was in the summer movie festival at Harkins. I was with my cousins when it was playing. Most of the time we make fun of the movie if we don’t like it. [this was one of them] during the title screen when a song was playing we started to whisper to each other. “what song is that”?  At the end of the movie we started to talk about our favorite parts. Colin [the youngest cousin I sat with], Jacob [he’s only 2 months older than me and I also sat with him], and me [Jessica Thorson] had nothing to say. Actually we started talking about what was wrong with the movie. Some of the things we said were: animation bad, conflict horrible, music from what century? I also suggest if you haven’t seen this movie DON’T see it!

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