Saturday, October 22, 2011

When Things Get Personal

Here is some great advice if anyone seems to bring down your spirits. Let’s say you’re at a cousin’s birthday party and you go over to where your mom, dad, and a friend of theirs is. You bring your little sis with you. She doesn’t like people she doesn’t know and is having a little tantrum until the friend starts guessing who her favorite character is. “Is it Mickey Mouse? Or Darth Vader?” The noise stops. “You’re getting there,” Dad chimes in. They stop talking about that and start again about baby-sitting (not for me). “Yeah, I was watching a girl yesterday and well she probably weighed about…” she looks at you and says, “I bet she weighed about how much you weigh.” She goes on, “How much do you weigh?” You don’t answer. You don’t even really know this girl and she’s asking you how much you weigh? You start to tear up. A couple minutes later you’re sitting at the end of the table. Your grandma walks over. She starts talking to you (she already knows what happened) “ Look if you’re asked a question like that again, here’s what you can you do, change it up on them. “Like for this particular instance you could have said, I don’t know how much do you weigh?” Grandparents make everything feel all right. So when someone asks a personal question, you have two options: either tell them, “I don’t really like giving out personal information.” Or change it up on them. Hope you like my advice!   

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