Thursday, September 12, 2013

                             A Short Story

                                           (That turned into a noun and a verb)

This is the story of Skunky Hoe. Now don't think the wrong way about that! Any way the story of Skunky Hoe started like this: While camping one year I think the year was 2012. Yes, that was the year. Anywho every summer my family and my mom's side of the family go camping at Cave Springs. That is the most amazing, fantastic, cool, did i say amazingest? Well it is the most amazingest campground ever! This was Skunky Hoe's birthplace. I should give you the background of Skunky hoe so here it goes.One night my families were sitting near the campfire doing the fireside campfire thingy so we were telling stories. And it was the "you tell a sentence then i make the next sentence game." You  know who wasn't playing? MY DAD HE IS A WRITER BUT HE WASN'T PLAYING! P.S. He's never gonna get his book published that way.So the story was going good until... My sister got her spotlight. My sister is four. Her mind can only hold so much. So she wasn't paying any attention to anything so when it was her turn . . .This is what she said  "The Great Skunky Hoe rose out of the fire!" It was silent then an uproar of laughter.It swept me off my feet.It was like a hurricane! So then during the rest of the camping  trip while playing board game if you dominated someone you would say "You just got Skunky Hoed!" So that is how Skunky Hoe become a noun and a verb! 

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