Friday, May 23, 2014

Guilty or Innocent?

                                 Seventh grade can be tough, and I hope you can help me in my last couple adventures in the mad world of middle school. And of course because you help me i'll be more than willing to help you if you've got issues with the drama. You know my mom is always telling me that this is the point in my life where puberty kicks in and drama is at the extreme. So, hopefully that is not true because i'm not sure how i'll be able to get through anymore. Middle school girls can be mean, manipulative, rude, and more than anything else cocky. But I really hope no one classifies me like that, I find myself of course making mistakes like everyone else but hoping my true friends think of me as someone different. Back to the case at hand, middle school girls, terrible creatures are they not? So for privacy reasons the names issued in this tale are not real. Well they're real but not anyone I know. It was a hot, humid Phoenix day. Close to the end of the school year and Jenna had been acting up again. She had been spreading rumors of one of my besties Ali saying that she had called her a mean name that I shall not mention or i'll be in the doghouse here back at home. So Ali had supposedly called Jenna a mean name and Jenna was telling all her "Close friends" like Lucy, Shay, and Rebecca. Of course those were the only friends she has but we'll save that incident for another time. Ali was so upset about these rumors, she was the most upset i've seen her in a while and Ali is a tough cookie and doesn't let anyone get to her, unlike me i'm a soft, chewy cookie. So what Jenna had done to her was really angering me because she got my bestie so sad. Of course Jenna comes by trying to save he day that was already pretty much lost because of her. And me being my literary self came up with a metaphor and told it to Lucas my guy best friend. I think it went a little like this "How many times will she have to get burned to realize the oven is on?" Fancy huh? So now Jenna is now referred to as the oven. Since the time has passed the oven has been ok but I can't help thinking she might hurt my friends and me again. What do you think should we give Jenna a second chance or should she be guilty as charged? And one last thing I want to give out a special shout out to my best friends hoping I won't be convicted guilty of something that has occurred between us three.You know who you are. Forgive me, humans make accidents right? 

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